1. Respect for Others:
a. Treat all staff members, teachers, and fellow students with respect and courtesy.
b. Avoid any form of discrimination, bullying, or harassment based on race, gender, religion, or any other factors.
c. Use appropriate language and refrain from using profanity or offensive words.
2. Attendance and Punctuality:
a. Attend all classes regularly and arrive on time.
b. Seek permission from teachers or relevant authorities for any planned absence or late arrival.
c. Make up for missed work and maintain a consistent academic performance.
3. Academic Integrity:
a. Submit original work and acknowledge all sources used in assignments, projects, and exams.
b. Refrain from cheating, plagiarism, or engaging in any form of academic dishonesty.
c. Follow the guidelines and instructions provided by teachers for examinations and assessments.
4. Classroom Etiquette:
a. Listen attentively to the teacher during class and participate actively in discussions.
b. Avoid disrupting the class with unnecessary noise, side conversations, or distractions.
c. Follow the rules and guidelines for the use of electronic devices in the classroom.
5. Personal Appearance and Uniform:
a. Adhere to the prescribed school uniform and maintain personal grooming standards.
b. Wear the school identity card at all times while on the school premises.
c. Avoid wearing any accessories or clothing that may be deemed inappropriate or distracting.
6. Use of School Facilities and Property:
a. Respect and take care of all school property, including classrooms, library books, laboratory equipment, and furniture.
b. Seek permission before using any equipment or resources and ensure their proper usage.
c. Refrain from any acts of vandalism, theft, or damage to school property.
7. Safety and Security:
a. Follow all safety rules and regulations provided by the school, particularly during laboratory experiments and other practical activities.
b. Report any unsafe or potentially hazardous situations to the concerned staff members.
c. Refrain from bringing any unauthorized or dangerous items to school.
8. Cyber Ethics:
a. Use technology and the internet responsibly, adhering to acceptable online behavior.
b. Respect the privacy of others and refrain from engaging in cyberbullying, online harassment, or spreading inappropriate content.
c. Report any instances of cyberbullying, harassment, or suspicious online activities to the school authorities.
9. Extracurricular Activities:
a. Participate actively in extracurricular activities, such as sports, clubs, and cultural events, while maintaining a balance with academic responsibilities.
b. Display good sportsmanship, teamwork, and respect towards opponents and officials during inter-school events or competitions.
10. Compliance with School Policies:
a. Familiarize yourself with all school policies and regulations and comply with them at all times.
b. Adhere to the rules and guidelines outlined in the school handbook.
c. Accept responsibility for your actions and be prepared to face the consequences of any violations.
By adhering to this Code of Conduct, students of Chetona Public School demonstrate their commitment to maintaining a positive and conducive learning environment for themselves and their peers.
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